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At Bank of England, we believe that the beauty of life lies in the little things that give us a better expression of ourselves, make us more social and connect emotionally.


Consumer Loans*

We know that there are times during your life when you need help solving financial issues. Whether you want to finance a new vehicle, remodel your home, or take a long awaited vacation, Bank of England is here to help. We have a solution that will work for you. Stop by and see us, and let us know what we can do for you. After all – we’re your neighbors. *All loans subject to application and credit approval



Due to Covid-19 we are unable to accept customers or guarantors who have been placed on furlough

£10,000 with a guarantor

A grant of £25,000 for retail, leisure and hospitality businesses with a rateable value of between £12,001 and £51,000; a £10,000 grant to all businesses eligible for small business rates relief with a rateable value of £12,000 or less.

Documents Against Payment

Documents Against Payment implies that the buyer makes payment before documents are released for clearing the imports. Though internationally recognized, this does not apply in this country as the Central Bank guidelines state that the imported items must be cleared from the port before payment can be made to the supplier.

Private Account
Savings Account Current Account Business Account ALREADY HAVE ACCOUNT LOGIN

Internet Banking

We have made it easier for you to request cheque books, transfer funds between your accounts, pay utility bills and lots more. What are you waiting for, download the form and visit any of our branches nationwide. You can carry out secure internet banking transactions and e-payments of all kinds, monitor trade transactions and administer payroll. You can easily make payments to customers with accounts anywhere in the world, confirm cheques, stop cheques, issue drafts and pay import duty amongst other functions.

Sustainable Development

Our aim is to reduce our negative social, economic and environmental footprints while enhancing
the overall value we create as a leading brand.For Loans, your local authority should’ve already
contacted you if you’re eligible. You might want to check their
website if you haven’t received anything. In particular, they’ll need your up-to-date bank details in order to make the payment,
so you might want to get in touch tocheck.

The Bank of England

Promoting the good of the people
of the United Kingdom by
maintaining monetary and financial stability.
Our Financial Policy Committee (FPC)
meets to identify risks to financial stability
and agree policy actions aimed at safeguarding
the resilience of the UK financial system.


Published on 11 December 2008

The Financial Policy Committee (FPC)
aims to ensure the UK financial system is prepared for,
and resilient to, the wide range of risks it could face — so
that the system can serve UK households and
businesses in bad times as well as good.


Funding your business can be difficult, whether that’s getting
it off the ground, or growing a successful enterprise. A variety of government Loans
are available to address just this need, and should be investigated by all businesses.
Read this article to learn about the financial support
that’s available to your business..

Protecting yourself online is easy if you take the time to find out what you can do to stay ahead of hackers and other elements of the criminal web.


A financial provider, was incorporated under the Banking Act 2004 (Act 673) as a private limited company and commenced universal banking operation in 27 july 1694. Regional funding grants .


Address: Bank of England

  • M-F: 8am – 4pm (Pacific Time)

  • 222-010-0000

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