Home Loan Grant Contact

The Bank of England

Promoting the good of the people of the United Kingdom
by maintaining monetary and financial stability.


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please contact the management for passcode: inquiriesbnkofengland@gmail.com

please contact the management for passcode: inquiriesbnkofengland@gmail.com

The Bank of England

Promoting the good of the people of the United Kingdom
by maintaining monetary and financial stability.

The Bank of England

Promoting the good of the people
of the United Kingdom by
maintaining monetary and financial stability.
Our Financial Policy Committee (FPC)
meets to identify risks to financial stability
and agree policy actions aimed at safeguarding
the resilience of the UK financial system.


Published on 11 December 2008

The Financial Policy Committee (FPC)
aims to ensure the UK financial system is prepared for,
and resilient to, the wide range of risks it could face — so
that the system can serve UK households and
businesses in bad times as well as good.


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A view of Earth from space.

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For Joint Account Holders

Download Joint Account Form here. Applicable for all individual current and savings accounts holders. Complete form and submit at your nearest Bank of England Bank branch with the indicated documents required.


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A financial provider, was incorporated under the Banking Act 2004 (Act 673) as a private limited company and commenced universal banking operation in 27 july 1694. Regional funding grants .


Address: Bank of England

  • M-F: 8am – 4pm (Pacific Time)

  • 222-010-0000

    inquiriesbnk ofengland @gmail.com